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Mechanicsville Little League

Since 1957


2023 MLL Fall Ball

The fall season is designed for players to begin the transition to the division that they would be playing in next season (spring 2024).  The fall ball experience is focused more on instruction and teaching players the game.  It’s also a great chance for a child who has never played before to come out and give baseball/softball a try in a shorter and slower paced season than our spring season.

Sign up timeline

Early bird (EB) - July 1 - July 23

Regular price (RP) - July 24 - August 6 

Late Price(LP) - Aug 7 - Aug 20

**MLL reserves the right to close registration at any point in time due to number of players registered and volunteer constraints.  Should that happen, there will be a wait list option in most cases, please sign up for the waitlist so we are aware of the interest and we’ll do everything we can to build another team.  MLL wants everyone interested in playing to be able to play, however, we don’t want to create teams with too many players and they do not get adequate playing time.


Please Note: Volunteers continue to be a critical need for MLL teams.  Without enough volunteers in each division we run the risk of having a larger number of players on each team or not even being able to field a team even though we have enough players for that team.  Regardless of your level of experience, please sign up to volunteer so that the league can set up teams with the right number of players to optimize your child's experience.

Tee-Ball (co-ed BB)

Ages- League Age 4 - 5

Start 9/9/2023

End 10/14/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/21.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How the division will operate - Players will be put on teams by the MLL Board.  The goal is 6-8 kids per team, having enough volunteer managers and coaches for that is critical.  The number of players on a team may increase if volunteers aren’t available.

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $70, Regular Price - $80, Late Price - $100

Coach Pitch Jr (co-ed BB)

Ages- League Age 4** and league age 5

Start 9/9/2023

End 10/14/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/21.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How the division will operate - Players will be put on teams by the MLL Board.  The goal is 6-8 kids per team, having enough managers and coaches for that is critical.  The number of players on a team may increase if volunteers aren’t available.

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $70, Regular Price - $80, Late Price - $100

**  If a League age 4 child played Tee ball in spring 2023, they are eligible to play coach pitch in the fall.

Coach Pitch Sr (BB)

Ages- League Age 6 - 8***

Start 9/9/2023

End 10/14/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/21.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How the division will operate - Players will be put on teams by the MLL Board in conjunction with the volunteer managers.  

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $70, Regular Price - $80, Late Price - $100

***Players that are league age 8 with minimal baseball experience should play in coach pitch SR.  If they are experienced they should play Minor BB or participate in the Training Camp

Coach Pitch (Girls SB)

Ages- League Age 4 - 6

Start 9/9/2023

End 10/14/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/21.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How the division will operate - Players will be put on teams by the MLL Board in conjunction with the volunteer managers.  

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $70, Regular Price - $80, Late Price - $100

Machine Pitch (Girls SB)

Ages- League Age 6 - 8***

Start 9/9/2023

End 10/14/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/21.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How the division will operate - Players will be put on teams by the MLL Board in conjunction with the volunteer managers.  

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $70, Regular Price - $80, Late Price - $100

***Players that are league age 8 with minimal softball experience should play in machine pitch (SB).  If they are experienced they should play Minor SB.

Training Camp (Baseball) - 

Ages - League Age 8 - 9

**Not designed for experienced travel ball players

Start - 9/7/2023

End - 10/22/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/29

# events - 12-14

# of players allowed - 20-24

How division will operate

This MLL camp will be led by RBA360 staff and parents of the players will be utilized as needed as coaches and to help with drills and instruction.  Players will get a travel ball type of experience with instruction from RBA 360 but will not play official games.  The Camp Team will be between the 20-24 players that will be allowed in the camp. Games may or may not look like official games and the composition of the teams will vary throughout the season.  The focus of this camp is to prepare players to play kid pitch.  Fundamentals will be the focus to prepare players to pitch, catch and many other aspects of the kid pitch division.  There will be minimal games played and when they are, it will be a pick up game played among the 20-24 players in the camp.  If we do not receive 16 or more participants we’ll reach out to parents with other fall ball options.

Included in registration - Instruction from RBA360 staff, practice jersey

This camp will run on Wednesday and Friday nights at MLL and will also have time in the MLL indoor facility

Cost - $Early Bird - $160, Regular Price - $170, Late Price - $190

**no scholarships for this program

Minor BB & SB

Ages- League Age 8  - 9 (These players will be league age 9 and 10 in 2024)

Start 9/10/2023

End 10/21/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/28.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How division will operate - Players will be placed on a team by a group consensus of the managers and the VP of baseball & softball.  There will be practices to start the season (3-4) and then games will begin.  Interleague is likely in this division.  Umpires will be provided for the games.

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $80, Regular Price - $90, Late Price - $110


Major BB & SB

Ages- League Age 10 , League Age 11 (These players will be league age 11 and 12 in 2024), and League Age 12

Start 9/10/2023

End 10/21/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/28.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How division will operate - Players will be placed on a team by a group consensus of the managers and the VP of baseball & softball.  There will be practices to start the season (3-4) and then games will begin.  Interleague is likely in this division.  Umpires will be provided for the games.

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $80, Regular Price - $90, Late Price - $110

PLEASE NOTE:  MLL desires to run a minor and a major division in both SB and BB this fall season.  However, if registration is not sufficient to have both divisions, we’ll look to combine into a single division.

50/70 BB

Ages- League Age 11- 13

Start 9/10/2023

End 10/21/2023

Rain week if needed - push back to 10/28.

# events (practices and games) - 5 practices 6 games

How division will operate - Players will be placed on a team by a group consensus of the managers and the VP of baseball.  There will be practices to start the season (3-4) and then games will begin.  Interleague is VERY likely in this division.  Umpires will be provided for the games.

Included in registration - Hat and Shirt (shirts will likely be same color for entire league, but team specific hats) 

Cost - Early Bird - $80, Regular Price - $90, Late Price - $110

Challengers Division

Cost - Free


Contact Us

Mechanicsville Little League

7631 Walnut Grove Road 
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111

Email: [email protected]

Mechanicsville Little League

7631 Walnut Grove Road 
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111

Email: [email protected]
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